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Course in Mental Health Support

Training and Assessment Delivered on Behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909

150 Australian dollars

Service Description

Welcome to the only Nationally Recognised Course in Mental Health Support for First Responders. This course is uniquely tailored to provide comprehensive education on mental health, fostering resilience and offering practical strategies for managing the mental health impacts of crisis response. This course has a ‘first responder’ focus but is suitable for any individual who wants to understand mental health challenges and learn how to offer support. What does it mean to be a first responder?… in reality, every individual has the potential to be a first responder. Most often this description is associated with professional individuals who have received specialised training in dealing with emergencies. The reality is that the first responder is often a bystander (someone like you and me), on an emergency scene, providing the very first few minutes of support. Not only is this course nationally recognised, but it is also a concise and efficient short course that offers a practical solution for individuals seeking to understand the basics of or enhance their mental health support skills. Its streamlined format saves valuable time, allowing you to gain essential knowledge and skills without a significant time commitment. You will learn to recognise signs and symptoms of mental health concerns and respond effectively, providing crucial support until professional help is available. The following units will be included in your certificate: 11244NAT - Course in Mental Health Support for First Responders NAT11244001 - Develop knowledge of mental health support for first responders NAT11244002 - Provide mental health support for first responders Course durations can vary for multiple reasons, so the durations below are the minimum possible amount. Face-to-Face Face to Face contact time of at least 6 Hours Online with face-to-face assessment Face to Face contact time of at least 1 Hour 30 Mins Practical task demonstrations: Case Study: Demonstrate an understanding of mental health Scenario 1 - Provide Support for a mental health concern Scenario 2 - Provide Support for a mental health crisis Theory assessment - A written assessment consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions. All questions must be completed. Full course information can be located at Training and Assessment Delivered on Behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909

Contact Details

  • Mental Health First Aid Trainer, Cronulla NSW, Australia

    1300 278 868

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